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2025-2026 SWU Chinese Government Scholarship High Level Postgraduate Program

申请截止时间/ Application Deadline

2025年2月15日/ 15 Feb. 2025


The"High Level Postgraduate Program"is a sub-program of the Chinese Government Scholarship Program. The program is based on the principles of "individual application, institutional recommendation, expert assessment and selection on the basis of merit", and selects international students with excellent academic background, professional ability and future development potential. A brief description of the program is as follows:

一、招生类别/ Admission Category:


Full-time Postgraduates: Master students and Ph.D. candidates.

二、招生对象/ Target students:


The prospective students for September intake, 2025.

三、招生专业/ Majors:


For specific information about the majors, please refer to links below,

1. 2025年西南大学CSC高水平研究生国际学生专业列表-中文授课.xlsx

2. 2025 SWU Chinese Government Scholarship High Level Postgraduate Program Majors List-English Taught.xlsx

四、申请条件/ Eligibility:

1. 非中国籍公民,身心健康;

Non-Chinese citizens and be in good health both mentally and physically;

2. 申请攻读硕士学位者,年龄不超过35周岁, 须具有学士学位;

Be a bachelor's degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for master's programs;

3. 申请攻读博士学位者,年龄不超过40周岁,须具有硕士学位;

Be a master's degree holder under the age of 40 when applying for Ph.D. programs;

4. 申请以中文为专业教学语言的攻读硕士、博士学位者,中文水平须达到汉语水平考试(HSK)五级。

Have acquired the Chinese proficiency of HSK Level 5 when applying for Chinese-taught master's or Ph.D. programs.

5. 申请以英文为专业教学语言的攻读硕士、博士学位者,英文水须达到,硕士托福80或雅思6.0,博士托福85或 雅思6.5。

Have acquired the English proficiency of TOEFL 80 or IELTS 6.0 for English-taught master and TOEFL 85 or IELTS 6.5 for English-taught Ph.D. programs.

6. 学术成绩要求4分制GPA须在3分以上,百分制80分以上。

Cumulative GPA must be 3.0 and above out of 4.0, grade score 80 and above out of 100.

五、奖学金内容/ Scholarship Coverage:

1. 免学费 Tuition waiver

2. 提供免费校内住宿 Free on-campus accommodation

3. 提供奖学金生活费 Monthly living allowance

硕士研究生3000元/月 Master students: 3,000CNY/month

博士研究生3500元/月 Ph.D. students: 3,500CNY/month

4. 提供来华留学生综合医疗保险 Medical Insurance of International students

六、申请材料/ Application Documents:


Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English).

2. 护照首页。(护照有效期应晚于2025年9月)

Copy of Passport Home Page. (should be valid later than September 2025)

3. 经公证的最高学历证明。如申请人为在校学生,须提交本人就读学校出具的预计毕业证明或在学证明。

Notarized highest diploma. Prospective diploma winners must submit official proof of student status by their current school.

4. 学习成绩单(自本科阶段起)。成绩单扫描件应包括本科、硕士(如有)、博士(如有)学习阶段,直至最近一学期的成绩。成绩单应由就读学校教务处、研究生院或有关学生管理部门开具并盖章。

Academic transcripts (from the undergraduate program onwards). Copies of academic records from first to last semester during the undergraduate, master (if any), and doctoral programs (if any) shall be provided. These transcripts shall be issued and sealed by the attending university’s academic affairs office, graduate school, or student management department.

5. 语言能力证明,请见“四、申请条件/ Eligibility”

For language proficiency requirement, please refer to“四、申请条件/ Eligibility”.

6. 来华学习计划(重点评审材料)。应提交中文或英文学习计划(1000 字以上),需中方导师签字,学习计划只可以用中文或者英文书写。

A study plan proposal (focus of material review). A study plan (1000 words or more) in Chinese or English should be submitted. Study plan needs to be signed by the Chinese supervisor.

7. 推荐信。提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,其中一封必须来自西南大学导师。内容应重点包含对申请人来华学习目标要求,中方院校或者中方导师与国外导师的合作情况或者校际交流情况(如有),以及对学生综合能力,未来发展的评价,只可用中文或英文书写。可先与我校导师联系后获取,导师联系方式见http://admissions.swu.edu.cn/PROGRAMS.htm。

Recommendation letters. Two letters of recommendation (written only in Chinese or English) from professors or associate professors shall be submitted. And one of them must be from SWU supervisor. These letters shall describe the applicant’s objectives of studying in China, comprehensive abilities, and evaluation of future growth, as well as the cooperation between the supervisors or the exchange between universities both in China and abroad (if any). The contacts of supervisors can be found at http://admissions.swu.edu.cn/PROGRAMS.htm.

8. 申请之日前 6个月以内的《外国人体格检查表》复印件(原件自行保存,此表格由中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,须英文填写)。下载地址http://gjxy.swu.edu.cn/info/1162/3426.htm,

A photocopy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy shall be kept by the applicant) within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application. (Download physical examination format at http://gjxy.swu.edu.cn/info/1162/3426.htm

9. 申请之日前6个月以内的无犯罪记录证明。

Non-criminal record report within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application.

七、申请步骤/ Application Process:

第一步:网上申请/Ⅰ Application Online

1. 申请人须在“留学中国”网站 http://www.campuschina.org 和“西南大学国际学生在线服务平台”网站 https://swu.17gz.org 同时提交申请.。

Submit applications at "CSC Study in China" website http://www.campuschina.org and “SWU International Student Service system” website https://swu.17gz.org/.

2. 在“留学中国”网站填写信息时,留学项目种类选择“B类”,西南大学机构编号为10635。

When applying in "CSC Study in China" website, please select Program Category "Type B". The Agency Number of Southwest University is 10635.

3. 录入个人信息并上传材料至“补充材料”,直至点击【提交】完成申请。

Input personal information and upload documents to “Supporting Documents” as requested, then click “Submit” to complete the application.

第二步:考试安排/Ⅱ Exam Arrangement


After your application information is approved, Colleges (Faculties) will notify you by email about the exam and interview.


Note: Please make sure your email address is correct and check your email regularly in order not to miss the notice of exam arrangement.

第三步:录取与入学/Ⅲ Admission


Check the admission results in the "Chinese Government Scholarship Study Abroad Management Information System". If you are admitted, you shall register at Southwest University within stipulated time. The original highest academic certificate and transcripts, the Foreigner's Physical Examination Form, Non-criminal Record and the original language proficiency certificate will be verified at the time of registration.


Note: Requirements concerning your registration at SWU will be notified in due time in accordance with China's immigration policy.

八、联系信息/ Contact Information:

联系人: 刘老师

Contact: Ms. Liu

邮箱/Email: fstudent@swu.edu.cn

电话/Tel: 0086-023-68366001


Address: Room 301, International College, Southwest University, No.2 Tiansheng Road, Beibei District, Chongqing, China.


1. 根据奖学金管理办法,国际学生在华学习期间只能获得一种奖学金资助。

2. 已经获得某类奖学金资助的国际学生,在中国学习期间不能申请和转换成新的奖学金类型。


1. According to Scholarship Regulations, all international students can be covered by only one type of Scholarship when international studnets study in China.

2. International students who are already covered by a certain type of scholarship are not eligible to apply for and switch to a new type of scholarship while studying in China.

附件【2025 SWU Chinese Government Scholarship High Level Postgraduate Program Majors List-English Taught.xlsx